ROVI ratifies its commitment as an environmentally sustainable company

Within the framework of the ESG Master Plan to 2025, Laboratorios ROVI advances in its mission to guarantee an activity with a positive impact on the environment.

Responsible management with the environment and the rational use of resources are some of the principles that guide the running of ROVI, in our quest to become an environmentally sustainable company. This is demonstrated by the evaluation of ROVI's ESG aspects by Sustainalytics, one of the leading independent companies in ESG, corporate governance research, evaluation and analysis, where we had the best rating among 458 companies evaluated in the pharmaceutical industry category in 2022, as well as the evaluation obtained by MSCI, a highly valued rating agency among the investment community, obtaining an “A” rating since 2021.

We guarantee that the operation of our business lines actively contributes to sustainable development, responding assertively and responsibly to the demands of society in terms of ESG, with the environment being one of the pillars of our management. Over the past year we have made progress in:

  • Sustainable use of resources: we hire 100% renewable energy suppliers for all our manufacturing plants and main offices and subsidiaries. In addition, the photovoltaic panels installed in the production centres of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) and Granada has generated 3% and 3.22% respectively of the total energy consumed by these operating centres. We also carry out monthly monitoring and preparation of reports for the responsible consumption of water, electricity and gas in all our plants.
  • Waste management and circular economy: we intend to achieve that the output of the waste generated follows the path of recovery through recycling or reuse in cases that are possible before the final disposal. Last year we recycled 15% of non-hazardous waste such as: paper, cardboard and plastic trays and grids (polypropylene and polystyrene) from syringes and vials.
  • Management of climate issues is one of humanity's most important challenges in the 21st century. Therefore, assuming our role as a company that works for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, we have updated our policy to progressively reduce CO2 emissions, whose origin comes from the Group's own productive activities and fleet of vehicles. We are also making progress on carbon neutrality and increasing the percentage of renewable energy consumed in our facilities.
  • As a result of our strategic framework ‘Avoid, Reduce and Compensate’, to optimize energy consumption in the development of activities, we highlight the compensation of 100% of the emissions of Scope Group 1 and 2 (7,310 tons) and the compensation of 659 tons of Scope 3. Within this line of activity, we have launched the Bosque ROVI, a reforestation project in the Sierra de Madrid with which we will compensate part of the CO2 emissions generated by our activity. Thus, we have planted 2,000 trees of native species, one for each employee and we have involved our staff in their planting and care through an environmental awareness volunteer scheme carried out in June 2023.

See ROVI Forest in the following video:

Master Plan: A Path to Sustainability

We are aware of the activity we perform in the industrial area and its impact on the environment. To realize this commitment to the conservation of the environment and its biodiversity, we developed the Environmental Management System to identify, control and prevent possible environmental impacts during the company's operations. This system, certified by the ISO14001:2015 standard, proposes a methodology of procedures for action in case of risks.

This series of actions are framed in our ESG Master Plan (2023-2025), approved by the company's Board of Directors in December 2022, that works as a roadmap that establishes strategic commitments in environmental, social and corporate governance matters, allowing us to continue growing responsibly.

It should be noted that this Master Plan includes 19 strategic objectives defined by our ESG department, in collaboration with those responsible for the different areas of ROVI, to positively contribute to the sustainable development of the environment where we operate.